CI Setup

If you are using the project in a CI setup (like travis, jenkins), then, on every push to github, you can set up your travis build or jenkins pipeline. Travis will use the .travis.yml file and Jenknis will use the Jenkinsfile to do their jobs. Now, in case you are using Travis, then run the Travis specific setup commands and for Jenkins run the Jenkins specific setup commands first. You can also use both to compare between there performance.

The setup keys read the values from a .env file which has all the environment variables exported. But you will notice an example env file and not a .env file. Make sure to copy the env file to .env and change/modify the actual variables with your real values.

The .env files are not commited to git since they are mentioned in the .gitignore file to prevent any leakage of confidential data.

After you run the setup commands, you will be presented with a number of secure keys. Copy those to your config files before proceeding.

NOTE: This is a one time setup. NOTE: Check the setup scripts inside the scripts/ directory to understand what are the environment variables whose encrypted keys are provided. NOTE: Don’t forget to Copy the secure keys to your .travis.yml or Jenkinsfile

NOTE: If you don’t want to do the copy of env to .env file and change the variable values in .env with your real values then you can just edit the or script and update the values their directly. The scripts are in the scripts/ project level directory.

IMPORTANT: You have to run the script or the script in your local machine before deploying to remote server.

Travis Setup

These steps will encrypt your environment variables to secure your confidential data like api keys, docker based keys, deploy specific keys.

$ make travis-setup

Jenkins Setup

These steps will encrypt your environment variables to secure your confidential data like api keys, docker based keys, deploy specific keys.

$ make jenkins-setup